Çerez Örnek

The Job Opportunities for The Graduates


The department is the first and only institution in Turkey, and one of the few institutions in the World that gives academic education in leather engineering field. The department receives only 20 students per year. Therefore, the graduates have high job opportunities in Turkey and at abroad.

The engineers graduated from our department have job opportunities in Turkey and all over the world at;


-Chemicals producing and marketing companies,

-Leather apparel companies,

-Shoe design&manufacturing companies,

-Leather goods design and fashion companies,

-Artificial leather companies,

-Purchasing departments of big-chain stores and brands,

-R&D institutions, centers and laboratories,

-Sectorial consultancy companies,

-State institutions and organizations.

Besides, the students also have opportunities to make academic career by following master and doctorate programs in the department.

Ege Üniversitesi